Monday, September 24, 2007

The Dialup Blues

I’m sure by now that the two or three of you who actually did read my blog at one time or another have ceased to read it due to my lack of posting over the past month. I hope to rectify this problem soon, now that we’re settled in Michigan, but I have one huge hurdle to overcome: my painfully slow dialup connection!!!! Apparently, there is no available high-speed internet in the Eagle area, so I’m forced to go from super-fast cable to tying my emails to carrier pigeons, and sending them out in the hopes that one day they might find their destination. I know my Carrolltonian readers can relate to this problem. Anyway, this post is kind of a test-run to see how long the process is going to take. If it takes more than 10 minutes, my posting may continue to be very sporadic.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain buddy. Dail up is our only choice for internet service at our new house. Time Warner has been telling me for a year that they are working on getting road runner on our road. I find myself coming back to the office or going to the library out of frustration. It is a 15 minute drive into town, yet I still feel like I get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time if I drive 30 minutes round trip to use the internet :( I'm fortunate that if I think about it, I just come into the office early or stay a little late and get it done that way. Best Wishes on your new ministry. You and Jill are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I've got you on my RSS feed, so I won't miss a post, nor will I get disappointed about checking your page all the time for nothing. Post when you can. I'm always interested.

Duns Scotus said...

Congratulations! According to your next post, you should be getting smarter.

Duns Scotus said...

BTW, Bailey says he's suing you for not only using his image but airbrushing his nose black without his permission.

TB said...

As a matter of fact, I think I am getting smarter. I decided not to put a computer/internet in my office. While this can be a bit of a pain at times, it has been good not to have the distraction. I don't know if there is a good ratio for time saved to time wasted by the internet, but mine certainly tends to favor the wasted side.