Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Call to Ministery

Jill and I just finished watching a mini-series documentary called “God or the Girl” that we borrowed from the library (it’s produced by A&E Television in case you’re interested in looking it up). It follows four young Catholic men as they wrestle with the decision to enter seminary and join the priesthood. I highly recommend it for all my seminary brothers out there. I could relate to the men as they try to discern God’s will for their lives. What I couldn’t relate to was the fact that if they entered seminary they were also committing to the celibate life.

My favorite guy in the story is a charismatic young fellow named Dan from Columbus, Ohio (he’s the long haired guy second from the left in the picture above). As part of his discernment process, Dan and his friends build an 80 pound cross, and Dan carries it 22 grueling miles across the city. It takes him two days to complete his journey, and the suffering he endures helps him focus on his calling and on Christ’s suffering. I think the coolest thing about Dan’s exhausting expedition is that his friends walk with him the whole way, reading Scripture to him and praying for him. They ended up sleeping in a field overnight using logs as pillows. Now that’s true friendship! It reminded me that the call to ministry is not a call to be loan gun. Following God is best done in community, and ministry is most effective when multiple people are carrying the load.


Duns Scotus said...

One night when I was up late sick a year or so ago when that show was on, I watched a mini-marathon of it and that was one of the episodes I saw! The Columbus priest seemed pretty cool too if I remember right.

Duns Scotus said...

I'm just commenting again so that below your post it doesn't say "1 comments." I know you know this, but the really 'smart' computer geeks that work for Google must not know that in English one must have more than 1 comment in order for there to be comment...ssssss. English is tough, no doubt. Still, no harder I hear than Chinese, Taiwanese, Hungarian, and a handful of extra-solar languages. But come on, you highly paid computer nuts. Let's put forth a little Eeefort.
Please sing this song with me:
"We're going the distance. We're going for speed...."

Go the distance. 1 Comment. 2 Comments.

TB said...

Thanks for helping maintain proper grammar on my sight.

Duns Scotus said...

Not only grammar, but I'm helping to maintain proper spelling on your "site" too. :)
(You don't have to thank me, just throw money).

TB said...

haha....your such a punk!

TB said...

I mean..."you're" such a punk! Wow, I need to be more careful with my typing.