Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Birds and the Sneeze

I’ve always been pretty skeptical of the holistic medicine scene. My wife, who’s a nurse, was recently told by a kooky propagator of holistic medicine that doctors have a cure for cancer, but they refuse to use it because there’s so much money in the cancer business! Perhaps a conspiracy theorist who listens to AM radio at 3 o’clock in the morning would buy such an argument, but I don’t. There may be some value to holistic medicine, but I have a hard time believing the claims of hippies and crazy persons.

But….my experience this spring may be changing my mind. I have some of the worst spring allergies of anyone I have ever met. They have become so bad in recent years that I dope myself up on all kinds of medication and avoid going outside at all costs, and still I remain pretty miserable for about a month. I have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. In my search for new remedies, I came across a website recommended eating honeycomb to help with seasonal allergies. I was skeptical, but I was willing to try anything. So, I went to the local all-natural grocery store and picked up some honeycomb and have been eating it everyday…and…my allergies have not bothered me at all this spring! The allergy forecast has been very high for Kentucky, and I remain unbothered. If this continues, I may grow some dreadlocks, make some hemp clothing, and open up a holistic honeycomb farm where I can sell my new remedy for allergies that the doctors just don’t want you to know about.


Duns Scotus said...

OK, Bill. I suppose you'd try eating dog turds if I told you they'd help you to run faster :)

Sorry, I'll stop. I don't want the placibo effect to wear off. Keep the faith brotha!

TB said...

I guess it depends on how much faster it would let me run...

Anonymous said...

I don't think the honeycomb is having a placibo effect, but I am worried that it may be having no effect at all. The main question is: when do the trees that I'm allergic to bloom in Kentucky? The last time I was here, my allergies were really bad; I just don't remember when they started. I've sneezed a couple of times this faith in holistic/natural remedies may soon come crashing down.