Friday, April 23, 2010


I read this last night in "A Guide to Prayer for All God's People," originally from "Together in Solitude" by Douglas Steere. It was good for me.

"Ministers of the gospel have many occupational hazards and diseases and these have frequently been diagnosed with telling power. But all too seldom have the ministers been reminded of the unmatched spiritual opportunity that has been almost uniquely lavished on them by God, namely the opportunity of being confronted hour after hour with human problems that are utterly beyond their own strength to unravel, and which drive them back to listen for, and to draw upon a deeper wisdom and strength than they are able in themselves to supply. How often are ministers drawn back into the supernatural life of God, back into what Tauler calls 'suffering in God' by their own weakness and the sheer abysmal personal needs of those who call on them for help?"