Jovi is going through a stage in which she whines a lot more than she used to when she doesn’t get her way. She wants her mama most of the time, and it’s been harder to keep her happy and entertained. Her fussiness is partly due to her going through the weaning process….and partly due to the fact that she’s a girl. I recently discovered that she loves watching these videos of herself, so I’m posting them in order to keep her occupied. Every time she watches one, she gives me her sign for “more.” Jill is working tomorrow, so I may find myself sitting at the computer with our vain little girl.
She's learning her body parts but does much better when there is no camera pointed at her.
She's also learned a few animal sounds. The cow sound is getting pretty close to "moo." The sheep clears its throat rather than saying "ba ba." The lion used to growl, but now the lion just says "mama."
Having fun with her favorite person.